Commercial Computation of Income from Salary Under Income Tax Law

Commercial Computation of Income from Salary Under Income Tax Law


Income from Salary’ is one of the important heads of income under the Income Tax Act, 1961. Salary taxpayers are amongst our most educated and conscientious taxpayers. Lack of awareness amongst them is often cited. They have been in particular, keen to know about the exemptions, reliefs and deductions available to them.

The provisions regarding salaries are as much subject to instability as other provisions in the income-tax law by way of statutory amendments, instructions, circulars issued from time to time and the ever flowing precedents from the courts and the Tribunal. All these have been discussed in this book.

This book is an attempt to help the salary taxpayers by explaining the provisions relating to calculation of income from Salary in an easy-tounderstand language.

The amendments made by the Finance (No. 2) Act, 2024 have been incorporated at appropriate places in this book.

About the Author

Ram Dutt Sharma got his post-graduation (M.Sc.) from M.D. University, Rohtak in 1980. He joined the Income-tax Department in the year 1983 and presently working as Income Tax Officer in Faridabad. He worked at various stations of North-West Region of Income Tax Department. He has wide experience of all wings of income Tax Department such as assessment unit, Special Range, TDS Wing, Investigation Wing, Intelligence and Criminal Investigation etc. He has been contributing articles and addressing on topics relating to Income Tax at Direct Tax, Regional Training Institute, Chandigarh. He has also addressed number of seminars organized by the Income-tax Department, Chartered Accountants, Advocates and various Trade Associations. He is the author of number of books on direct taxes, namely Computation of income from salary under income tax law with tax planning, Computation of income from house property, Formation and Management of Charitable and Religious Trust, Educational and Medical Institutions under income-tax law, Taxation of Non-Resident Indians under income-tax law etc. which have been highly appreciated by the readers.

Weight0.45 kg



Edition August 2024








Commercial Publications


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