Bharat Law Procedure Limited Liabliity Partnership D K Jain

Bharat Law Procedure Limited Liabliity Partnership D K Jain


  1. Introduction to Limited Liability Partnership
  2. Partners and Designated Partners
  3. Name of Limited Liability Partnership
  4. Registered Office of LLP
  5. Partners Inter seRelations and Limited Liability Partnership Agreement
  6. Business of LLP
  1. Capital Contribution by Partners to LLP
  2. Incorporation of a Limited Liability Partnership
  1. Statement of Accounts, Solvency and the Auditors of Limited Liability Partnership
  2. Annual Return and Maintenance of Statutory Records
  3. Investigation
  4. Conversion of Organisations into Limited Liability Partnership and Conversion of LLP into a Company under the Companies Act, 2013
  5. Foreign Limited Liability Partnerships
  6. Compromise, Arrangement or Reconstruction of Limited Liability Partnerships
  7. Winding up and Dissolution
  8. Filing of Forms, Payment of Fee and Prosecution
  9. Defunct Limited Liability Partnership and Restoration
  10. Foreign Investment in Limited Liability Partnerships
  11. Frequently Asked Questions on Limited Liability Partnership
  12. Taxation of LLPs
  13. Appendix 1   Maximum Remuneration Allowable to Partners under section 40(b)(v)
  14. Appendix 2   Tax Tables for LLPs: (1) Advance Tax for F.Y. 2021-2022 (A.Y. 2022-23)
    1. Tax Tables for LLPs:
    2. (2) Income Tax for F.Y. 2020-2021 (A.Y. 2021-22)
  15. Appendix 1 Specimen LLP Agreement for New LLP
  16. Appendix 2 Specimen for LLP Agreement upon conversion of existing Private Limited Company into LLP
  17. Appendix 3   Comparison between Partnership, Limited Liability Partnership & Companies
  18. Appendix 4 Limited Liability Partnership Act, 2008
  19. Appendix 5 Limited Liability Partnership Rules, 2009
  20. Appendix 6 Limited Liability Partnership (Winding up and Dissolution) Rules
  21. Appendix 7   Text of the Partnership Act, 1932
  22. Appendix 8   The Limited Liability Partnership (Amendment) Act, 2021

About the Author

Dr. D.K. JAIN, M.Com, PCS, ACIS (UK), Ph.D. is a Practicing Company Secretary, engaged in the practicing field of Company Law, SEBI and Stock Exchange compliances. He has more than 26 years of practical experience in corporate laws and has been in the profession of Company Secretary for over 15 years. Dr. Jain is having international professional qualification of Chartered Secretary from the Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators (UK) and is a Fellow Member of the Institute of Company Secretaries of India. He has completed research work on Generally Accepted Accounting Principles and its effect on final accounts (a comparative study of GAAP of India, UK and USA) and is also a Member of the Indian Council of Arbitration and an Associate Member of the All India Management Association, Dr. Jain is the founder Chairman of the Institute of Corporate Directors of India, the organization is working for corporate governance. Dr. Jain has authored several books for professionals on various topics of Company Law including Company law in four volumes and Company Law Ready Reckoner. He is having keen interest in academics and is a regular contributor of articles on various corporate matters in newspapers and professional journals and also the member of the Research and Publication Committee and member of the Editorial Board of monthly bulletin ‘Focus’ published by the Western India Regional Council of the Institute of Company Secretaries of India.

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D K Jain




Edition April 2022








Bharat Law House


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