Bharat Forensic Audit By Kamal Garg Edition 2019

Bharat Forensic Audit By Kamal Garg Edition 2019


It gives me in1Inense pleasure to present before the readers the first edition of the book on ‘Forensic Audit’. Forensic Accounting and Fraud Detection specialisation is in increasing demand considering increasing incidents of cyber crimes and fraud detection. It is the practice of utilising accounting, auditing, CAATs/Data Mining Tools and investigative skills to detect fraud/ll1istakes. This book is useful for Certificate Course on Forensic Accounting and Fraud Detection (FAFD) conducted by The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India as well as for Module 3 – Elective Paper 9.4 of Professional Programme of the Institute of Companies Secretaries of India. This book is also useful for the professionals involved directly or indirectly in the discipline of forensic audit

The unique features of this book are as follows

  1. Auditing – Nature and Basic Concepts
  2. Preparation for an Audit
  3. Internal Control
  4. EDP Audit
  5. Investigations, Due Diligence and Forensic Audit
  6. Inspection of Books and Conduct Enquiry
  7. Auditor’s Responsibility to consider fraud and error in ~n audit of Financial Statements: SA ‘ 240 (Revised) Issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India
  8. Fraud under various Acts
  9. Auditor’s Report
  10. ICSI Anti Bribery Code
  11. Types of Frauds and Financial Crimes
  12. Concepts and Principles for Fraud Detection
  13. Cyber Crimes
  14. Applied forensic Audit – Leading Cases
  15. Forensics in Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code
Weight0.495 kg

Kamal Garg


Paper back


1st Edition 2019








Bharat Law House


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