Adjudication of Companies Act Matters (NCLT) By Rajender Kumar

Adjudication of Companies Act Matters (NCLT) By Rajender Kumar

The book aims aims to provide guidance to the professionals and authorities regarding the Companies Act matter dealt under National Company Law Tribunal (NCLT)

Additionally it encompasses matters like prevention of Oppression and Mismanagement, investigation, compounding of offence etc. which were vested in the CLB. As the international markets become intertwined with each other, there is a need for simplification and rationalization of laws vis-a-vis multi-faceted laws on the same issue to cope up with the speed of transacting business. The National Company Law Tribunal has been envisaged in this direction.

In this dynamic legal and regulatory environment, Rajender Kumar (CMA, CS, LLB) presents the book “Adjudication of Companies Act matters under NCLT” to assist the readers. The book contains commentary on notified provisions / sections and case laws on Companies Act as well as Notifications & Rules in order to cater to the needs of professionals and authorities. An earnest endeavour is made to make available every concerned material in this book. The text provides a compilation of relevant judgments and observations to understand the adjudication of matters related to Companies Act under the purview of NCLT.

Weight1.26 kg

Rajender Kumar




4th Edition 2024








Urmila Publication

Adjudication of Companies Act ...

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